
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Carrousel Museum

The Carrousel Museum is a great place if you want to learn about carrousels!
I went there for the home schooling advent.(First one!)
You wanna learn about wood carving?
Be there!
You get to use a mallet and chisel number 11 to chip wood!
And you can also carve soap!
Ride a Carrousel?
Go there!
Even small kids can ride without parents!
Because they have a Kiddie Carrousel!
And its better when you go to the home school event.
I loved it!
I went with Dash.(again)
I think you should go!
They even have a frog!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I want to build one!
Really badly!
I will need planks!
And a tree!
And to calm down!
And I will need help.
*Deep breath*


 I want to build it so it is nice!
And I want to have friends with me!
I ... well ...
Okay, I will need about 15 planks,a big tree, some nails, a adult helper, and a ladder.
  1. First, I'll find the tree.
  2. Second, I'll get the ladder and put it up to the tree.
  3. Third, Dad and me will nail the boards to make a floor, and a railing.
  4. Fourth, If it gets destroyed, I'll post a picture saying:
Mi tree houze got destroyed

#Q.P.!# Quick update on my knowedge.

Did you ever think that the annoying bee sting might help cure diseases?
Well,it might actually will!
Bee Venom might be used to cure humans with HIV .
I'm not sure if the bees die from having there venom taken from them.
Do you?
I hope they find the right medicine for the job.
Don't you?
Link: http://theweek.com/article/index/241235/bee-venom-a-potential-hiv-killer

A toxic peptide called melittin, found in bee venom, could potentially prevent HIV.