
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 30, 2014


I am going to see if violent games have more difference on mean behaviors then non-violent games!

(I used roblox for both of them!)

Time:(5) Minutes for gaming, (55) for observation: (120) time period over all.

Hypothesis: I think I will behave violently for the violent games.

Notes: Violent: fail! Was really bad.

Notes: Non-Violent:

Ending Result:

Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Climate Change

Lots of things are happening, so I have 5 basic things to talk about.
*     The Polar Caps Are Melting: What’s Happening: The ice of the North and South Pole is going away, as well as the animals on it. How We’re Involved: Our factories are letting out a gas named CO2, which combines with ozone, which, (by some coincidence), the ozone layer is made of. When they combine, it no longer stays in the ozone layer, and instead goes on away. This makes the sun go thru better, which makes the ice met.
*     The Sea Level is Rising: What’s Happening: The water level is rising, and some coastal cities will be underwater in around 50 years. How We’re Involved: We are causing the ice to melt, like melting the ice cubes in your water.
*     BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: What’s Happening: The heat is what keeps bugs alive and eggs to hatch, so if a lot more heat comes, a lot more bugs will too. How We Are Involved: With the ozone layer getting smaller, more heat is coming thru.
*     Climate Change: What’s Happening: The weather is acting strangely because… How We’re Involved: the pollution is making it so. The snow is colder and mushier, it is even hotter, wildfires have started, heavy rains on drought record holders, and others to many to count.
*     And to finish it off: How we are making it worse!: What’s Happening: We are avoiding the true facts and bringing up old things. (Benghazi? Seriously?) We are avoiding the fact of climate change, and some were calling it global warming just for the fact they could contradict it with the fact that it was freezing out! How We’re Involved: Read above.