
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Middle ages

Shaphur II attacks Divided Rome.
But he fails. Divided Rome survives for another 1000 years.
Flash!: The Holy Roman Empire is around today!

Holy Rome Is still surviving!(At the exact time England started!)
And Holy Rome ATTACKS(!!!!) England!
Quick hint: They fail.

Visigoths(Barbarians) have been forced to accept a evil treaty.
But I don't feel sorry! Why?:
Quick hint:   Visigoths Attacked Rome!

Slavs were a Magor tribe...
...Being one of the only left!
Slavs were a slave trading tribe.
Funny!: The Slavs - s + e + s = Slaves!

Constantinople was a very Important city for Byzantine!
It was one because it was the emperor's base!
Quick hint:  Constantinople was called "the City"!

Greenland Isn't Green!
But its fortunate for us! Why?
Quick hint: Vineland (Us) was thought as a lie, too.So we were populated by the English instead!

Gold = Sun?
That what some of the African tribes thought!
Quick hint:Gold was PRAYED TO!

The English proved themselves smart...
Take the short route, and leave them to the crazy.
Quick hint:  Arizona attacked Muslims!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dingus day!

I went to Dingus day and made another cake!
Here is the (traditional Polish lamb) cake!
And I also was second place in a egg cracking contest!
  And I had 5 eggs in the hunt!
 And I made a craft!
 I saw Polish dancers!
I am the best dancer!

And some Bo dancers! 
I got a lot of candy from the parade!!
Things in parade:
Roller derbies:Check!