
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Flight Book Report

Adventure Van here with a blog on Flight by Sherman Alexie. Flight is a book about an indigenous foster kid named Zits who goes through several traumatic experiences across time before finally returning to his actual time. After being manipulated by a kid named Justice, he makes a very dangerous decision due to his feelings of prejudice towards both his own race and others. However, after this results in his 'death', he instead begins jumping from person to person who had a role in the attacks and war that the united states of america waged against native american Indians. It's a very informative, heart wrenching yet somewhat enjoyable book. Honestly, it's still very relevant about our treatment of everyone whom isn't Caucasian.

Adventure Van, signing off.

Maximum Ride Book Report

Maximum Ride is a graphic novel done by James Patterson about a small group of teenagers and younger kids with wings and other powers who are on the run from a secret shadowy organization. That seems to be quite a common theme in young adult books, for some strange reason. It was somewhat interesting, but also just a bit normal. It didn't really have any interesting plot from what I could tell in the first book, except for a twist at the very end that still didn't add much of a sidestep. However, the art style was decent and had a good amount of detail, so I really enjoyed the art more then the actual story. It isn't something I'd recommend to anyone in particular.

Adventure Van, slightly let down.