
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Fighting Back (Weirdly) Against The Russians

A neon sign/morse-code-message may be what you need to fight off the Russians, apparently. The swedes have made a Singing Sailor to fight of the Russians, but.... Uh... You look for yourself:
The "Singing Sailor Underwater Defense System"

It apparently sends out a Morse code signal that translates "THIS WAY IF YOUR GAY".  I will now qoute from the Huffington post:

Anna Ek, SPAS' president, told The Huffington Post by phone that despite the system’s humorous tone, her group’s message is absolutely serious. Their goal is to call out the Russian government for the “awful” conditions for LGBT people in their country and to urge the Swedish government to consider an alternative response to Russia’s alleged violation of its borders besides further costly militarization.- Huntington Post
SO if that works, I'll do another blog. I'm amazed people think up ideas like this.