
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My thoughts on Putin.

I think that Putin, the president of Russia, wants to be ruler of the world, and that Obama,the president of the USA, appears to be a big wimp who is stuttering with "threats" and "consequences". Putin is right now trying to conquer Ukraine, and so far, he is doing a great job. He has already conquered Crimea and is still heading forward. And when Obama said there would be "consequences" for invading Ukraine, you could hear the laughter from miles around, followed shortly by the rumbling of tanks going in to Crimea.
Right now, we really have no sort of economical leverage on them, such as major trades or troops there, so unless we want to start an all out war, we can't do anything. If we cut them off, then they may not even notice. So, maybe Obama isn't such a big wimp, but he still should be trying. Like, at least try something now that he has 'crossed the red line'.
And, personal question time!!
Why does Putin not wear a shirt? Confusing! I mean, doesn't he ever get cold? Why does he do that, to look more masculine?Very strange.
Any way, that is what I think of the worlds current time period! See ya all!
The world's next Alexander the Great?(World Conquer?)