
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Stomp played today! I totally LOVVVVVVED it.
A performance by Stomp is right here :      

I love Stomp because they don't use instruments, they use things like.....trash. They prove you could make more music from garbage than a guitar, basically. They prove that that anything (yes, anything) can be musical.

The most impressive thing I think they did is swinging from ropes WHILE making music.(that is really hard.) I think everybody should like it and if its nearby just STOMP over!  


The Redwall book series are so good! I like them because they combine action and laughter, a good mix.
Heh, mice vs rats, who thought that up?  So, I've read all the way to the 13th book! They teach you lessons, and plus a good laugh or two, these books are a readers dream!
The character that is in every book is Martin the warrior. He is a spirit in some books, and a body in others. He is the main creature in most books. Brian Jacques is the author.If I could be a creature in his books I'd be a hare.      
I have a link to almost everything, don't I?