
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Cro-Magnon Man.

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Cro-Magon Man. The first real type of mankind, these peoples were the first 'anatomically correct' humans, functioning identically to us in form of guts, bone structure, and everything except our current advanced brains. Then again, it's not really fair to call our brains advanced as a new version of us will come along with even more advanced brains and call us unadvanced. But that's sidetracking. In all reality, not much has changed since these people biologically. All of the advancements we've made have been almost entirely technological. Are we really that different now?

Adventure Van, thinking.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Changing Bodies Changing Minds: Book Review

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van with a blog about the book Changing Bodies Changing Minds, which is a book about how to be a teenager. It doesn't give cultural advice or anything like that, but more teaches you safe ways to live your life despite having a completely changed body and mindset, as the title suggests. From how puberty effects your life, to how eating disorders and substance abuse are both come by and dealt with, physical and emotional violence, and other very important information that not many kids have access to.

And it's very straightforward. It talks about slang, but it goes straight to the point and lets people know what exactly happens when you get to becoming a teenager. It also doesn't go bad or try to push a bias, except in cases of 'being safe'. The book is heavily biased to not making decisions that will ruin or end you or another persons life. Other then that, it is unbiased. And it's great at giving straight information or sources. If you want to read more about a topic, it's got many books about it. And if you need to call someone about a problem, it's got tons of sources and lines to get help.

If you're interested in this topic or know someone who is, I'd recommend checking out the book itself.

Adventure Van, reading out.