
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Fake News: Too big of a problem?

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog post about Fake News! As much as it's a term thrown around in today's modern political climate, there's some that's simply made to rile emotions, twist facts, and impersonate official sites in order to download viruses or get what they want. However, Google is attempting to stop Fake News from spreading as much as it does, not by deleting it, but by burying it under piles of other news sites. Against things like 'Low-Quality Content', which will include hoaxes, conspiracy theories, and anything misleading, false, or offensive, a group of 10,000 plus 'raters' will read and demote accordingly.

Some are protesting against this decision, as it is a violation of people's freedom of speech, and a rater or top ranked person could easily just drown anything they disagreed with in a flurry of search results. However, Google argues that this is a needed usage of their powers, citing the "is obama planning a coup" article that topped their search engine for a month before being knocked down as blatantly wrong.

Adventure Van, signing out.

Ha Ha Ha, that's all fake news. And this is fake news. You reading this? Fake news. Me signing out? fake news. I never sign out.