
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Banana Ripening

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about the ripening effects of bananas on other fruits. This effect is caused not only by bananas, but by kiwis, but more people have bananas in their house so it's a much more common effect. Bananas produce ethylene, which all fruits have a level of receiving. Ethylene causes fruits that contact it to ripen more, and flowers nearby to wilt. However, the ripening effect also causes the fruit to go bad faster, meaning it's commonly used as a composting ingredient as well as a way for stores to make their products much more fresh than they are at arrival. It's a completely natural process that has been commercialized into product use.

Adventure Van, signing out.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Behavior Drives

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with blog about the 15 behavior drives of dogs. You might wonder what those even are, they're 15 fundamental parts of each dog's personality. They all make up a portion, and some will have a greater effect on the personality. These are Hunting, which is based around the ability to pursue prey, Tracking, which is for dogs who have a higher sensitivity to odors or trails on the ground, Air Scent, which is based around being able to sense the same things but in the air,  Retrieving, bringing prey back to everyone else, Prey, which is the dog's motivation to not release prey, Fight, how much the dog uses physical prowess, Guard, which is the dog's motivation to defend their territory, Protection, which is based around how dogs defend others, Rank, which is a dog's drive to move themselves up the totem pole, Trainability, which is how much the dog wants to learn, Survival, the fight or flight response the dog has, Homing, how social or anti-social the dog is, Play, which is how much the dog wants to bond with others, Activity, the overall energy the dog has, and Pack, how much the dog wants to bond with others. These are the 15 behavior drives. All dogs have all of these, and they can be manipulated to a point, but these are the core concepts of a dog's personality. They're decided by breed and the dog itself.

Adventure Van, dogging out.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Hebocon (Bad Robot Competition)

Hey guys! It's Adventure Van here with a blog about Hebocon: The Robot Contest for Dummies. I have recently found out about it, despite it having happened in 2014, but it seems too interesting to just let slide. It's a robot building competition based entirely around making the most low tech, stupid robot that you can with low materials. It's actually quite fun to watch, and people can be either very creative or just have a lot of fun making some very inefficient robots to duel each other. I might actually attempt to do one at some point, simply to see what sort of ideas can be put into play using them.

Adventure Van, building away.