
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Hunger Games.

WAS AWESOME! My Favorite character was Rue, and But the main character was Katniss Everdeen, She was from district 12, and I was amazed on how well written it was.It was about Katniss and Peeta are pulled into the hunger games. The Hunger games was a thing that 24 kids were put in, and 1 came out alive. I am a fan of the three book series. It has 4 movies on it, and I have watched two of them. I am loving this, and I think I have to stop blabbing like a turkey.

The book starts out with Katniss and Gale in the woods. They are talking, joking,and yelling about the Hunger Games. The last thing gale says to her there is "May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor." Her sister, Prim, gets reaped, so Katniss volunteers for her. She gets to say a quick goodbye to everyone, and then she is put on a train. She meets Effie Trinket and Haymitch.And then she begins to train for the hunger games. She also meets Rue, and Almost kills the game maker.She meets Cinna, and she gets ready for The last couple of minutes before the Hunger Games.
When she Gets in. she runs for a simple pack instead of the bow, and she almost gets killed, but survived. She begins to run towards a forest, and almost gets killed by a attack, but survives again. Meanwhile, the Game Maker decides that Katniss is to far away from another tribute, and begins shooting fire balls at her, she gets hit by one. She swims in a lake that is very close to the tribute group and gets attacked, but gets up a tree. Someone begins to shoots arrows at her, but misses. She sees Rue and Rue tells her that the nest above her is a tracker jacker nest. She beats her opponents by cutting the nest onto the careers. she almost dies but rue saves her. they get along well and they decide to get rid of the careers supplies. They explode them, but rue gets killed. Katniss makes her a grave and then she tries to find Peeta. He has a major wound and she needs medicine, so the Capital holds a feast and the tributes can get what they want from it, with dying included. Katniss almost gets killed and gets Peeta better. They then get attacked by mutts to drive them to the cornucopia. They finally kill the last career and win! They both get to get out. That is, until the next book.... ;)

Fabulous Fallacies: More Than 300 Popular Beliefs That Are Not True

Hi! Today I am doing a report on all the lies in that this book explains, such as:
Turkey is not from Turkey.
Christmas is NOT Christian.
George Washington wasn't are first president.
The Great Chicago Fire did NOT start by a cow. 
And that kilts are not Scottish.
You can find the book: here.
Happy Holidays!