
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 5, 2020


Hey guys, Adventure Van here with a report about Candide. Written by the one and only Voltaire, this is a book about the balance of optimism and pessimism in the world. A satirical tale about the titular character, Candide, and the balance in his interactions with the world. The two combating factors are, in fact, the teaching of the tutor Pangloss that he had as a young child and the horrible events of the world that befall him as he moves on with his life. Pangloss claimed that the world they lived in was world is “the best of all possible worlds” and Candide takes that to heart with unfaltering optimisms even after going to war, being flogged, having his money stolen and many other events, especially when comeuppance arises. It's a cautionary tale against both being too pessimistic and too optimistic, and it is completely satire where no one really dies unless they actually deserve it. It's quite funny and at times a bit harsh, but it's definitely worth a read in any time, including now. If you get the opportunity, try to check it out.

Adventure Van, sailing away....