
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Mayors Reading Challenge

Hey Guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about The Mayors Reading Challenge, an amazing reward system to encourage children to read who otherwise wouldn't. It's been going on for 16 years now, at the time of this writing. I really have enjoyed doing it for a long time now, and the chance to win tablets, TVs, and bikes is just a side-note, along with a free breakfast/lunch and gift-cards and coupons. It's for anyone from kindergarten to 12th, with separate lists of books to read. As you get older, the books grow in seriousness, but everyone has the same requirements, and since there's 30 books on each list on average and you only have to have 7 with reports, or just 4 once you get old enough, the chances of you getting stuck with a book you don't like goes down. As well as that your teacher or parents can choose one book as well, bringing it down to 6 books that have to be taken from the list. I'm writing this about the city of Buffalo's reading challenge, even those there's plenty around the US.

That's Adventure Van, reading out.

Mega Maker: Completly Free (But not of robot masters)

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Mega Maker, a completely free game that you can get for free. Based off the original series of Mega Man games, this has the Super Mario Maker style of creation with me Mega Man design aspects. While some people make Kaizo, some make autos, but the majority of the community is good and there's some nice levels. It's a fun game and I recommend you check it out.

You can do so here.