
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 3, 2015

What Happened to Cass McBride?: Book Report

What Happened to Cass McBride? is a mystery story about three characters, who each tell it from their point of view. Kyle, who buried Cass alive, Cass, who, as stated, was buried alive, and Ben, the detective who is assigned to the kidnapping case of Cass. Cass was drugged and buried alive by Kyle, who thinks she is responsible for his brother David's suicide. Cass's father calls the cops and Detective Ben and two cops then go to people involved with Cass, and David, such as Cass's best friend, David's mom, every student involved with Cass and David, while Kyle begins to get told the truth from Cass, who makes sense of and uses his own words against him.

Kyle decides to go and get the person who is really responsible for his brothers death, his mother. He, however, gets into a fight with the police and gets caught.The police car then goes at top speed to the place where Cass was buried, and they immediately attempt to unburied her. She is rushed to the hospital, and Kyle is questioned about everything that happened. 

Good book.
Theme: Words are weapons, use the wisely.