
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Sun Powered Electricty *Q.P*

You probably know about the love of solar panels and how useful they are, and it's true. A easy way to find it out? Buy a home with pre-installed ones. It'll help you bypass the work of installing it in the house yourself,  and you'll still have the power of the SUN letting you surf the internet. However, you'll need to remember that two houses with panels aren't the same. Remember to see if the panels are being rented or are owned. Try to aim with houses that are owning the panels, because it could affect your houses value in general or mortgage to have rented ones. Remember, that separate panels are different quality. Look up who made the panels, and make sure that the cost is worth it. And remember to check with current or estimated electric bills. And, if you're still not sure, hire a independent professional to check it out for you! If that all checks green, then go for it! You won't get many deals like it.

That's Adventure Van, currently collecting information.

Save a drop of money *Q.P*

You've probably noticed that water bills are going up. Water servicing is costing more and more according to CircleOfBlue.org, If you want to go and save some money of off this bill, you may have to spend a little bit more. Asides the options like shorter showers and not running water while not actively using it, installing a water saving device like Lower Flow Shower-heads that run on 1.5 gallons every minute can save you $73 a year, making it a worthwhile investment for those who savor every penny.

That's Adventure Van, who's currently signing out.