
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

D-Day landing

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about D-Day. One of the most complex battles of WW2, and in the history of warfare in general. This is the battle that helped end a war that costed millions of lives, and it was sadly necessary. But it was really a strategic miracle, with plans that spanned maps and strategies down to the minute. And it was all done without computers, meaning that what is to this day the most well planned, complex battle is still the D-Day landings. And it was done with miniatures and maps.

If you want to learn more about it, you can check out this link.

Adventure Van, remembering.

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Hey guys, it's Adventure Van with a blog about scams. Scams have been around for a while. It's the act of cheating people out of their (maybe) hard earned valuables. Phone scams, great deals and investment opportunities, and many other things can end up leaving someone with light pockets. So, what are common scams? How can you prevent them? And what are some ones that have been around since the beginning of time?

Common scams are still just as dangerous. Giving out just your name can be enough to ruin your reputation, and it's easy in this day and age to get tons of info stolen if you're not careful. And that's not even getting into scams that require human interaction, where you get duped into some pretty damn stupid things when you look back. Fake emails, virus warnings, phone calls from Apple Corporations, and misspells may seem like impossible to fall for things, but in the moment of seeing that your livelihood is in danger, you may not be so quick to judge rationally.

But thinking rationally and checking sources are the main ways of dealing with attacks against you. If you get an email saying your account has been broken into, go to the site thru your web browser, not clicking the link in the email. If you get a letter saying that your best friend is ill, call them and don't just send money to an address. Don't blindly donate to charities or causes that you aren't sure the profits go to the right people.

Scams have been around since there has been things to scam people out of. Since ancient Egyptian times, people have seeked to line their pockets. Be it sheep, or cows, or money, or stones, or tools, or food, or anything, if it has value, there's been an attempt to get it for yourself. And outright robbery is so much more likely to end up in an execution, so if you can get someone to give it to you, then you'll be able to at least get away when the going gets tough.

Adventure Van, with a nice shiny not glass diamond necklace.

Omega-3 fish.

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about fish. More specifically, the benefits of eating them. Eating seafood could help prevent hear disease. The cardiovascular benefits of eating 2 3.5 ounce servings of non-fried fish a week could help with omega-3, which is very heart healthy. The benefits can outweigh the drawbacks by almost 50 times, and eating the right types of fish can be even better. So, if you're wondering what to eat, put healthy fish on the menu.

Adventure Van, swimming out.