
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Adventure Van here with a blog about Apple. Apple recently hit the news for having a court case against the idea of a 'back door' into their phones, when the FBI sued them because they could not access a terrorist's information due to it being on one of the uncrackable phones. Apple won in keeping their phones back door free, but they have a significant amount of windows that can easily be cracked open, in the form of the software available from their own store. Downloadable Applications, much more commonly known as Apps, use storage space on the owner's phone upon download, and everyone's hit 'Allow' or 'Ok' when it comes up with some strange requirement, like needing permission to your photo's gallery for an avatar.

But those permissions allow trackers. And a lot of apps use parts of your phone, they don't tell you about. Apple makes sure that you know if an app will use a camera or microphone, but is harshly lacking when it comes to telling you about where exactly your data is going. Apps usually get more permissions then when you sign up for, especially when they run through the entire day, including overnight. Yelp's application sends data to the home company every five minutes. Many other apps also use high amounts of data, which can be used to track you, see what other applications you use, and even take usernames for those. Be careful with what you download, because everything has some form of consequence, and if you're not the consumer, you're the customer.

Adventure Van, signing out.