
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Hey guys, Adventure Van here with another blog about the current pandemic. It is, in fact, still ongoing, surprisingly. It is still a threat, so why is everyone managing to either ignore it or use it for their own political gain? It's honestly very strange, but it can be tied back to the idea that companies and politicians both have found out that they can use this situation, and not for the betterment of mankind. There is not a side that isn't attempting to twist this serious problem that kills people for personal use. It's depressing, especially in these turbulent times. From people on a grassroots level spreading misinformation and the outright refusal to wear a mask to corporations reopening their doors and loosening restrictions when the virus is still in full swing, it's honestly hard to parse motivations from them. As much as I like to hope for the better side of humanity, sometimes it is quite hard when people without motivations as obvious as "money" still refuse to act slightly rationally.

Adventure Van, signing out.