
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Artemis Fowl

Hi! I'm doing a book report on Artemis Fowl, The book series.
  1. I'm doing one on the first book, Just plain Artemis Fowl.
  2. It takes place in The Fowl's manor!
  3. The main character is ,well, Artemis!(The Second.)Also, there are other characters,like Butler,Holly Short,Foaly,Mulch Diggums, and more!
  4. In the first book, Artemis fowl makes a pair of glasses that let you see thru Fairy shields.
  5. Artemis soon finds a "hot spot"(a place with a lot of fairies) and with Butler, his bodyguard, manages to capture Holly Short.
  6. Capt. Turnball Root (Holly's Boss) send a troup of LEPrecaun (Lower Element Police) to get her back, but Butler takes them out. At least the elfs...
  7. Butler and Juliet(His sister) soon are in a high pitched battle with a troll, which Butler almost dies in.
  8. Artemis begins bargaining, and soon has a deal. 
  9. He gets rich, and the LEP get Holly.
  10. Let it be known, this is not the last time he will be meddling with the fairy world...
Just so you know, this was for the Mayor's reading challenge.Click!