
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Evirothon Blog

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van with a blog about Envirothon. Envirothon is an event that gets a group of kids to create a team and learn about varied topics about the environment. It covers Wildlife, Soils, Aquatics, Forestry, and a certain Special Topic that changes each year. It's a great learning experience that can inspire friendly completion, and by joining and working at it, you have a chance to gain prizes, and go on to more serious and powerful competitions.

It's actually more fun then it sounds. Learning the information can be very enjoyable when you have a good enough team to count on and work with. And there are prizes, scholarships, and other things that can give even the lazy reasons to work at it. All in all, it's a great competition which is quite straightforward and easy to work with. If you want to check it out, look here.

Adventure Van, enviromenting out.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Baron Munchhausen : The Man behind the Fables

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Baron Munchhausen, the great hero who rode half a horse against the Turkish Army, rode several cannonballs while they were in the air, went to the moon twice, and discovered a land of cheese with a sea of milk. Well, maybe he didn't do all of that. But Baron Munchhausen is known for his magnificent tall tales, from which have sprouted many other books and even movies. But did you know, that Baron Munchhausen was a real baron? He didn't tell exactly the same stories, but he was known in his time for his tall tales about his workmanship, and he was quite peeved at the person who wrote the original book of his exploits.

Baron Munchhausen was, in fact, named Karl Friedrich von Münchhausen who fought the Turks in 1735. He was quite well known for, at dinner parties, coming up with magnificent tales about his service. The original book, which was published anonymously, was actually a collection of those tales. And although it turned him from just some person to someone famous over these years, he was insulted. Which is why the creator of the book only revealed post-humously that they had written it. You don't really make fun of a Baron while you're alive.

Despite the problems arising from insulting aristocrats by making them look silly and liars, the book immortalized Baron Munchhausen, making him somewhat of a patron saint of liars and dramatics. Many more books are published, using his caricature as a way to explore fabulous stories, and fantastic tales, and all in the way of someone simply explaining honest facts. And there's a movie! The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen is a movie made off of one of the first official books, with many nods and the actual plot (and lack of it) that his stories contained!

Adventure Van, galloping away on half a horse to the land of cheese.