
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

My Physics Blog:

By Adventure Van:
I finished my chemistry so I’m on physics now.
I have been working on chemistry for some time now, but I have learned a lot.
You can change cabbage’s juice color with chemistry. (Acids makes it higher color, bases make it lower.)
You can figure out why zinc roofs are great against acid rain, but not zinc in a test tube with it is. (Rain is scattered, and a test tube is straight.)
How gold has more parts then iron, yet iron is stronger. (The iron has HJ2, which makes it stronger then the GD1, which is what gold is made out of.)
Also, I learned how to make glue. (Yes, I know, but glue is glue.)
Now, For Physics!!
The force that is given to the object by a push or shove will be lost if it hits a object, if stable, connected to something, most of the object’s speed goes away, if another non-stable object gets hit, then it will take most of the speed, until it hits something, basically a loop until the final object hits a wall and stops. Most times, a object will hit a wall and either go back the way it came from, or if heading in the wall at a angle, will bounce and go as symmetrical, so continue going, with the hitting point of the object as a  line for symmetrical usages.
The above is basic physics.
I wish to learn more advanced soon.