
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Miss Manners' Basic Training to Communication

Hey guys, Adventure Van here with a blog about Miss Manners' Basic Training to Communication. I'll start off this blog by talking about Miss Manners. I've always been reading and spending my time practicing things from Miss Manners, which has certainly improved my writing and phone etiquette. Therefore, I may be biased in my review, but it could also be used as proof that it's a very good author behind the advice (that author being Judith Martin).

Now, about the book itself. It is an enjoyable read, giving advice and rules to self impose while interposing real questions people have sent in to be answered by the fabled Miss Manners. It's not too long, but not for a lack of information to part onto the reader. It is well formatted, easy to pick up on and explains it's points and the reasoning behind them well, giving examples from emails to letter writing to phone calls. And despite being from 1997, it still gives very good advice that should be followed twenty years later. If given the chance, be it at a bookstore or a thrift shop, it is worth grabbing a copy and reading through it, changing how you interact through the respective mediums using it as a guide.

Adventure Van, politely signing out.