
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Penn Dixie Fossil Park

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Penn Dixie Fossil Park. Penn Dixie Fossil Park, is, unsurprisingly, a fossil park, but what a fossil park is is something else. Penn Dixie used to be a surface shale mine, but was being put up for auction by the city. A preservation society known as Hamburg Natural History Society bought it due to the heavy influx of  fossils that haven't run out over the tens of years of bringing in large groups of people to discover large collections of fossils from over three hundred sixty million years ago. From trilobites to coral, including some species that I hadn't recognized, especially the Crinoidea, which is a sea lily that has a stem that is a perfect circle and breaks into disks cleanly.

Adventure Van, signing out.

Cirque Fiesta

Adventure Van here with a blog about Cirque Fiesta, a Latin themed acrobatic and orchestra at the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra. I had a brilliant time going with a few friends to watch, and it was well worth it. The orchestra played both well known and some lesser known Hispanic and Latin pieces, and there was a collection of acrobats and clowns that did their work to the time of the music, which was honestly quite breath taking. The entire event was well done and choreographed beautifully, and the humor was well done. It was a good use of my time to see.

Adventure Van, signing out.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Common Sense

Hello, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about the famous Common Sense written by Thomas Paine, way back in 1775. This series of pamphlets is a significant two hour and a half long read that uses common sense and logical arguments to prove that there is no reason to not rebel against the English Crown. As much as it has some interesting tidbits that are quite simply bare-bones reasoning, such as "There is something absurd, in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island.”, but the rest has solid math, logical distribution of resources, talking about the political results of allies, and even bringing up logic used in the Bible to argue against such a rule, despite the author themselves being a Theist and not explicitly a Christian. Despite the harsh tone it has and a few unfortunate stereotypes used, some logic in it could easily be applied to modern day events with ease.

Adventure Van, signing out.