
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Research Animals

Adventure Van here with a blog about animals in research. Those that do research on animals, such a food companies, cosmetic, and drug manufacturers that test on animals are given a very bad rap due to the stigma that testing on animals gives, and it is well deserved due to the past. For a very long time, up to about 50 years ago, it was still a debate about whether or not animals felt pain. However, due to a very large amount of legislature and decent empathy, the conditions of animal testing has gone up significantly. Animals of higher intelligence have been or are being phased out, and it has gotten more and more humane.

Most of the new standards are added under Husbandry. And most of them are fairly simple, such as making sure that social species have other members to interact with, that the food is clean and safely dispersed, that the noise level and vibration is kept at a minimum, that the temperature is suited for the species, that predators and prey aren't alerted about each other, and that for intelligent species, it is voluntary participation. It's become a very clean, good process with no unwarranted stress or pain for animals.

Adventure Van, signing out with relief.