
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Book Report, Tatterung

Another redwall book, A otter named Dayne's father gets murdered by a group of vermin, and the vermin seer say's that the babe is the Tatterung, a beast with supreme power. The babe grows up to be a fine young otter, while his enemy named Gruel, after a unfortunate incidence, who wants to kill him, for because since Tatt, as the vermin called him, who ever killed him would become the Tatterung. After several attempts to kill him, he finally challenges him. He was smacked flat in no time at all, but after hearing all the shouts of 'finish him off!' he leaves.

Gruel, automatically springs into leadership and takes the entire group of vermin, all 3 score and a half of them on a trip to capture Tatt and slay him. On Tatt's adventures, he meets a young field mouse named Nicome. They travel together, thru snakes and mountains, vermin and friends, to the redwall abbey of his dreams. For the vermin, mutiny and starvation hits them, and only 5 out of 70 make it to redwall, where they  suceed in failing in every single way, while the last two run off with a deadly Tatt following them, and finally succeeds of the destruction of the one who ordered his father to die, and the one who killed him.

Good book! Tears in my eye.


I'm now studying physics, and I'm learning everything, from flower pots to sky diving rescues. Here are the main things:
  • To become a skydiving expert, you need physics, because when someone was unconscious jumping out of a plane, her fellow skydiver rushed in, and sped up and slowed his fall with physics so he could activate his partners parachute, then continued skydiving.
  • A hammer and a feather will not hit earth at the exact same time, air resistance won't allow it, but on the moon they hit at the ground at the same time, for there isn't as much air resistance there.
  • If you throw a pencil and a flowerpot out the window, they hit on the same time with the same speed, but the flower pot has more energy, while the pencil doesn't have to much.
I'm sure there are plenty more, but that the main of what i have learned. Stay Tuned.

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