
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 4, 2018

History Bombs: An Explosive way to look at History!

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about History Bombs, an amazing YouTube channel that works on history. But they do it amazingly, interesting and original in quick time spands, about topics ranging from railroads, to Jane Austen, to the World Wars 1&2. They do quick, 2 minute videos talking about interesting facts, to 5 minute music videos, shot in one take with no cuts, about things like Aviation and Etiquette. They don't update often, but when they do, you're guaranteed quality. They're a good way to learn, and are just fun to listen to and watch. They're also creative and funny, doing cool things with interesting props and costumes. You can check them out here, but I'm also attaching a video to this blog (amazing thing that only I can do, bow down to me) of one of their most reason videos at the time of this being posted!

Adventure Van, blowing up!

Australia against Emus: Not the winner you're expecting.

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Australia against Emus.You may have heard of it, because it was so... funny. Farmers were having a problem with emus, those annoying birds that would rip holes in fences to get crops, and were also vicious little buggers with an attitude problem and claws the size of your forearm. So, the farmers complained to the government, who sent in a group of three soldiers with two machine guns. It was the start of a... weird war against the birds. See, even when shooting a large amount of bullets every minute, the Emus were agile, and could keep running even after being struck. And the emus learnt, having some birds look out for the soldiers. It got to the point that even having machine guns mounted onto trucks didn't work, as the jeep just couldn't keep up. And so, after a month, the soldiers crestfallenly retreated, with only somewhat less then a thousand dead emus under their belts. And seeing how many emus there were, this wasn't an accomplishment.

A bit later, farmers required government assistance again, where the government agreed and sent in more soldiers then 3. It was more successful, and they culled a large amount. And then, shortly, Emus came back. The farmers wanted help again, but the government simply threw up their hands in annoyance with the whole situation and began putting bounties on the emus so that the farmers would deal with the problems themselves. This was the best strategy yet, as they managed to kill 57,034 emus in just 6 months. Better then the government could do. And even then, Emus were still a problem until better types of fence were invented. But, until that happened, Australia had officially lost a war against birds, which gave almost everyone involved a nickname about it.

Adventure Van, being annoying.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Penguins: What are they? And why are they so well dressed?

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here a blog on Penguins! I went to a lab hosted by the Aquarium of Niagara Falls, where we learned about penguins. We learned about what they are, and what they mean to the environment. Sure, some facts are normal. Penguins are birds, who have closely packed feathers to be waterproof, and have a filled bone system so they can sink underwater. But there were other, interesting facts. Penguins almost 3/4s the way to the equator. Penguins that have guano(poop) that sells for tons because of the fertilizer it can be used for. The effect that currents have on penguins, and how they can be moved anywhere with a cold current. Even a bit off the coast of Australia. How dangerous it is too damage their ecosystem. And why exactly are they so well dressed? Because that way, while swimming, they blend in with the water from airborne predators, and look like snow clumps from underneath.

Adventure Van, flying underwater!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about TOY's production of Bunnicula. Like most Theater of Youth productions, it was fun to watch, and had some unique tricks. As much as it was a simple production, it was still a good time, and there were some pretty funny Easter eggs around the set, like a head of a triceratops over the chimney. And the bunny puppet was well designed, easy to maneuver, and had a well done LED system. It was a fun 2 hour play, and it was unique enough to make sure the parents didn't get bored with the kids play. As borderline, I could enjoy both sides.

Adventure Van, vegan vampire, signing out.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dumb Phones making a comeback?

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about phones. You might use smartphones. You might be using one to read this right now. But have you ever thought that you used your phone too much, distracting you from what was happening around you and drawing you away from people nearby? With the recent Facebook scares, people are taking a mind to get dumber phones with less personal information and apps, so they can do the same functions like calling and texting people, without having all the bells and whistles of a smartphone as well as keeping information private.

However, the 'dumb' phones aren't dumb still, as they've been upgraded to do things like GPS, Internet Searches, and  acess things like Lyft and Uber. And you could access the things you're trying to get away from if you tried on them. But it makes it not the selling point. The point of these phones are to be phones. They can call, and text, and take pictures. That's more then what a phone needs.

Adventure Van, dialing away.