
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, January 18, 2013

I'm home schooled!

I am! I like it. Scratch that, I love it.
<----So does he! Home schooling Is A-O Awesome!!!!! I  Don't Know What to start with!
Love all subjects!  Meet friends! Do extras!
Just love it!
My days are A-O awesome!
And I get 5 minute breaks!
A-O awesome!
I love it!
I L-O-V-E it, DO you hear!
LOVE it, I say!
I use pins to tally my work.(I have 60.) They're marked differently so I don't Throw in a math when I meant Mandarin.
Every Marked Clothespin is one section of work.
I move pins into the basket as I do the work.
Yes, I can get a day off!(If I get the pins in.)

#Q.P.!# Quick update on my knowedge.

Hi! I now know that the Herschel space observatory is running on empty.
It is the Herschel space observatory, A CRAFT AND A OBSERVATORY!!!(NOT A BUILDING THOUGHT.)
It had one of the best sensors in the world, but every Pro has its Con, and the Herschel space observatory didn't have the greatest fuel tank, so it's out of fuel and going to hit something soon.
This is the link: http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2013/01/03/herschel-space-observatory-running-on-empty/
Shortly after its 2009 launch, the Herschel Space Observatory traveled to its survey location 1.5 million kilometers from Earth. / Photo by the European Space Agency

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Roly poly bugs

Roly poly bugs are my favorite bugs. I just love them. They're just so....simple. I don't know why.     ?  They just are.  Oh, and here it is:


                                                         And his defensive self:


                                                           Him transforming:   


   The the average lifespan of a roly poly is between two and five years. Roly poly bugs cannot bite or sting and have an exoskeleton with plates. They eat stuff such as leafs,rotting stuff and stuff like that.
 But, Hey! They are decomposers.
Have a rolling Year people!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Im Raising crickets!

Yup, for my toad.
Im Just.... doing it.
This is the site: http://skylab.org/~chugga/cricket/

The First Thanksgiving

The Turkey May Have not been Part of it!
The Pilgrims heavily needed the Indians, But before Jacks war.
We Celebrated the harvest then.
President Lincoln Made it offical.
Where am I going?
The first thanksgiving is the book I learned this from.
It was by Andrew Santella.
The book's Highest point was...Everything!
I think you should read it.

A Balancing act!

You Know the 3 Branches of goverment?
1:The L____la__ve?
2:The cuexteiEv?
3:The Joumdtiecfajl?
Got them Right?
Here are some Facts:
1:Presidents Have Granted how many Pardons?
1:27 thousands!
2:Which President has tried to Pack the Supreme Court?
2:Franklin Roosevelt.
3:The ____________ is the most important set of laws for the U.S. of A..
3:The Constitution 
Got Those? 
If You did, Good job!
I got this info from : This book!
I like the book a lot, so much there is nothing I see wrong about it.
My favorite part was the Packing Section.
I would recommend it to anyone.