
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Nickel City Chef

Hi! Today I watched Nickel City Chef! Here is what one is like: 

I love Nickel City Chef because they allow competition and fun TOGETHER!!!!
There A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! Here's another:

And there's NO (yes,NO) Prize.( you thought there would be 1, did you? ha! )
You should See It because you Can see the best cooks in town.

                                                                                                                   Adventure van 

school progects survial guide. studying and tests

I read this book.It's about studying and tests.For the ones stuck in school! I learned to study and budget my time.It has activities like this: how many squares:
  If you said 9, your wrong. the correct one is 14.
and hidden sayings in random letters:


The answer is    you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
I like it when it told you to
'Eat a good breakfast, Your test will be better.'
That's because you will have more energy for the test if you wanna be good at the test.
 I would recommend to someone who needs help with tests.
 It should have told why we should do the test!                                                                                                

                                                                                                           Adventure van.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Niagara falls

The most powerful waterfall in the world is Niagara falls,right here in America.
 and at night:

 cool, right?
 I like it, it looks like ice cream!
I mean that but its also scientific .

The things that became Niagara Falls were created by the Wisconsin glaciation about 10,000 years back. The same power also created the North American Great Lakes and the Niagara River. All were dug by a ice sheet that drove through the area, deepening some river channels to form lakes, and damming others with debris.Scientists argue that there is a valley, buried by glacial drift, at the approximate location of the present Welland Canal. I wonder if I want to see it happen? Hmm..............

There are differing theories as to the beginning of the name of the falls. According to Indian scholar , "Niagara is derived from the name given to a branch of the locally residing native Neutral Confederacy, who are described as being called the Niagagarega people on several late 17th century (Old!) French maps of the area." According to another man, "it comes from the name of an Iroquois town called Ongniaahra, meaning the land was cut in two." Wow, nice.
A lot of history revolves around Niagara falls, such has the Indian and French war, as in Fort Niagara:
Dare devils:

and deaths:
Laws stop people from doing tricks,of course, and we still enjoy Niagara falls anyway, but people (with permission from the government) still do it. Speaking of them, we're seeing one on Sunday, next week!  Exciting, ain't it!

Nik Wallenda is going over Niagara Falls doing a tightrope walk. He has wanted to do this since he was 6. WOW,WOW,WOW! This he wants he is doing with out a harness, but has to do with.The Discovery Channel will be broadcasting it live, so you don't have to be here to see it. I saw Nik Wallenda live! I can't believe he did it! I had to get there by bike! here are links:




Soooooo, Niagara falls will always be ours forever and ever.I love it, and you should too. Its a reason our country, The USA, is famous.