
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Ender's Game: Book Report.

Ender's Game is a book about a war between humans and aliens, life and death, love and hate, childhood and adulthood, and Ender Wiggin against everyone else. It was written by Orson Scott Card and was the winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards. It's about a boy named Andrew, who is better known as Ender, who is suddenly put into a new place, Battle School. However, instead of what he is expecting, becoming part of the group, he is singled out and shoved away from the rest of the group. He is bullied, and the second he finally gets into a good position on the social ladder, he is sent to the bottom of a different one.

In the new team, he makes exactly the wrong friend at the wrong moment, gets shoved to the back of the group, and doesn't do anything in the battles. However, he gets mad, and he doesn't follow the leaders orders and wins a battle for the group. The leader and he get into a fight, and he is traded into a new group. He actually is part of the battles, and changes the game entirely by charging out. He questions authority, and works stuff things that are against him out, but the when he gets comfortable, he gets sent to a new team. His team. He makes a group, he shows he's a commander, and he wins his first game. However, the game seems to change against him, the odds being too small, yet he still wins. Right before he cracks, he is sent away.

Command School is very different then Battle School. Instead of being part of the battle, he commands it, and instead of living it, he sees it from the side lines. He is weirded out by it, but goes along with it. He gets a new enemy, he fights and wins, and then he gets to the biggest challenge. The simulation chamber basically shows the battle, and Ender is given his friends and commanders to help him win every battle on it. However, he finds out, after defeating the last simulation he'd ever play, that it wasn't a simulation. He had been tricked into destroying a entire species on accident. He had a breakdown so bad that he spent a whole week in his chamber. However, he can't go back to his planet, so he leaves for a new one. He and a colonization group go and claim a planet that he had cleared the alien life out of. Since I haven't read the sequel, I can't tell you what happens next. :P

The Judging:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Civil War Solider Camp

This blog is going to be about my going into a 1 day civil war camp to become a civil war solider. We did stuff like practice marches, skirmishes, and bugle calls! I can't wait to talk all about it, so why wait. I'm starting!

One of the first things I had to do is to get registered. You supply your name and age, then you go thru a test to see if your sick, to see if you are in good shape, and to see if you pass the requirements of becoming a solider. When you get thru all that stuff, you stand in a straight line, shoulders touching, for roll call. After that, we went on to learning how to quickly move from one straight line to two straight lines, then to four. We also learned how to march in the most efficient way. We got into a 4x5 line and marched to the sergeants orders, and also we turned 90 and 180 degrees. Before lunch, we could march as well as any other group of kids who had trained for half the day.

 After lunch, we got our guns, pieces of carved wood with clickers on them that were really hard to reload. We learned how to march with them before learning to shoot with them, and all the different positions they could be held with. we then learned to point them in different directions, and which shoulder to point your gun over the person in front of you. We then learned to fire and reload the guns quickly. we began to march, then stop suddenly stop, go into two lines, point in a direction and fire. We began to get more efficient and you couldn't tell we were kids, we'd become more Awkward Squad-y. We then got to the best parts!

"United we stand, divided we fall"
The best parts was last, like usual. The fake skirmishes, the games, the bugle playing, the stuff that made a soldiers life sorta bearable. The Flags, our team, got second in the games and we won the bugle playing contest. However, the best was the skirmishes, which basically were capture the flag games that we got to play. We were separated into two teams, the Union and the Rebels, and we fought like two kids wanting the last piece of candy. The Union won both times. (Note to capture the flag players: DO NOT LEAVE YOUR FLAG IN A BUSH!) We didn't get anything for winning, but we all had awesome times and wanted to come back next year. If you want to sign up next time, then you should go here and check it next summer: Buffalo Niagara Heritage Museum/ Amherst Museum!

The Bridge To Neverland Book Report.

The bridge to Never Land is a book by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. It's about two kids named Aidian and Sarah, who discover a mysterious document and go on a adventure to find out what it means.They first talk their parents into going London, which is actually easier then they thought it would be. However, the easiness is made up for when they have to distract clerks and security guards to trace and find a secret message. They then figure out what it means, and gain a mysterious box that's locked. They go thru a long line and museum guards in order to activate it, with a sword that has mysterious power.

They try to find the safest way to open it, and when they do, they find the most amazing thing ever... ANOTHER BOX!  When they open this one, they learn that A: It's stardust, and B: They can fly, and C: that there is a amazing evil thing that wants the stardust. Oh, and D: It's possessed a bunch of crows.They escape, but on the next day, they find something even more terrifying. IT CAN POSSESS HUMANS! When they escape a creepy neighbor and angry parents, they're on the run to someone who can help them.

Enter D.J., a young professor who just happens to be related to a long line of people who have handled stardust. He treats it as a joke, but then when he goes flying, he is amazed. They go to his friends, who gives him supplies. However, the parents are afraid they've been kidnapped, so they have to run from the police. When they get caught, they use some stardust and a flying police car hits the news. They manage to get to a place that is not what you suspect be a good place to save the world. Disney Land.

The cops are swarming the place, though, so they are as sneaky as mice in a cat's lair. They find a secret portal to Neverland, but they lose the box of starstuff to Captain Hook. Peter Pan is beaten by him, but the kids save him and get back to the normal world with him. The evil thing steals the empty box from the kids, but rages when it finds it empty. Peter Pan fights it using fireworks, and the world is saved! (Or is it...?) The parents don't belive a single word of the story that they tell them, until they see Peter Pan flying. Everything ends ok.

Good Book!