
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Book Report: Bridge of Birds.

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Bridge of Birds, an epic book which is by far one of my favorites to ever be read by me. I genuinely loved how it was written, the story arcs, and how it all eventually ties together, despite the infinite amount of leads. The story is based extremely loosely on Chinese myths, as well as some awesome stuff the author himself came up with.

The author of this amazing book is Barry Hughart, who created this as his first foray into writing books, and it was an amazing start. The success inspired him to create another two books after it, but after publication issues he was forced to scrap the plans for a 7 book series. However, the first book is by far the flagship of the 3 and it alone makes an amazing book without needing anything else for it.

The story follows Number 10 Ox on his quest to save the children of Ku-Fu after two of the minor villains, named Pawnbroker Fang and Ma the Grub, poison the cities silk worms, but in the process poison a large amount of the children in the village on accident with Ku Poison. In an attempt to find the cure, a scholar with a slight flaw in his character is hired who goes by the family name of Kao and the surname of Li.

An epic quest follows, full of science and mythology, and several story lines and quests go onwards together to tie up into one great ending. I'd recommend reading it if you get the chance, and even going out of your way slightly to do so.