
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about creativity. Creativity is a funny thing. It's both encouraged and suppressed. And humanity is one of the only species that can do it, really. Sure, others can use a tiny amount of it, but humanity has the monopoly on it. And, for some reason, everyone has different views on it. Is it good, is it bad, what is it really? And will we ever find out the truth?

When we're kids, parents have a huge say on how creativity should be used. Which is the exact opposite of creativity, isn't it? If they allow us to live our early years and be creative, build and break things, cause a bit of trouble, we might still be uncreative. As much as they have a say in it, the real thing that decides if someone is creative or not is still mostly in the human in question's hand. And medicine. Medicine can disable creativity. But that can be a good thing? Some people can get too creative they never actually do anything. 

Creativity can be affected by tons of factors. Dictatorships and people who depend on brute force will be against creativity, as it challenges views that the leaders. But creativity is good for civilizations in most cases. As much as we have reached Pandora's Box like scenarios where creativity has been the bane of us, inventions won't happen without someone saying "What if..." What's super confusing is the fact that mankind is confusing. Sometimes creativity is supported in dictatorships. Not often. But it happens. My point is that you can't just put a definite on what mankind does. Mankind is weird.

Inventions are the result of creativity. As otherwise, we wouldn't really have felt a need to make them. Anyone can look up at a bird and say "I wish I could fly." But it takes creativity to have someone look up at a bird and say "I wonder if I can fly." Or breath underwater. Or do any of the amazing things humans can do, just because we think it may be possible to. Creativity is a good thing mostly.

But sometimes it's not. Sometimes, it's a very bad thing. Sometimes, people poison water supplies due to it. We have done horrible things due to our "What ifs" and "I wonders". But does it balance out with everything else? Possibly. But we can never be sure. Something we always have to be on guard for. As well the benefits, it has drawbacks. Like everything else. But that's a normal thing with humanity. Because we can't just put it in a single box, we're curious about curiosity. How curious.