
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Haudenosaunee Camp: Science Musuem

Adventure Van here, and I'm here with a blog about a 3 day Iroquois camp at the Buffalo Museum of Science! I'll go and describe it in more detail below, but the camp was basically about Haudenosaunee culture, including food and sports! The Buffalo Museum of Science has plenty of camps like these, for things from making robotic arms to car classes, but I'll just be talking about what I went to.

Day 1, we went and learned how to say some Mohawk words for hello and my name is. We also went and looked at separate types of clothing for the different tribes. After, we had lunch (Must have lunch) and went and make a Strawberry Drink (Strawberry juice, water, and maple syrup) and a corn and bean soup that tasted great!

Day 2, we learned about bead work and basket weaving. Also, we had learned about maple popcorn, and how important maple syrup was for the Iroquois culture and survival. We had lunch, (Again) and went outside and played a game of lacrosse, after being told what it meant and what the requirements were. (Women weren't allowed to touch a wooden lacrosse stick, because they'd drain it's powers.)

Day 3, we made REAL BREAD. I'm not kidding, it's name is really REAL BREAD. It's a blue cornmeal, mixed with flour and beans, mixed with boiling water until it clumps, and then made into patties and put into a pot of boiling water for a minute. It's quite good, actually, and mixing it with milk instead of water makes a good mush. We also went to a park and looked thru the trees, and were explained the religious and material purpose of each type of tree.

That's a 4 paragraph blog, and this is Adventure Van, signing out.