
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Hey guys, Adventure Van here with a blog on dogs. You may remember dogs from my previous blog on them, and they haven't gone anywhere since. They're just as brilliant as ever, and as always, I recommend getting one if you have the room and time. The reason I am writing about them now, however, is due to recently reading a book appropriately titled "Top Dog". It is a book written about the many types of "breeds" that exist in this world. As much as I am fully aware that purebred dogs are not very good choices, and that kennels are very poor places to adopt from, the "breed" mix of dogs that you get effects a lot in how to handle them. This book gives a very thorough look at all of them, and I do mean all.

All dogs have specific qualities to them, that go far beyond four legs or lovable personalities. Some are larger with more fur, and some are smaller with very fine kept clothing, although that usually does not grow on them. Some have much longer tails, and some have very long snouts. Scent Hounds are all usually very healthy, due to being bred for function rather then looks. All working dogs are usually much healthier as well, and all of the dogs look lovely! Get a dog. Get multiple dogs.

Adventure Van, dogging out.