
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

#Q.P.!# Quick update on my knowedge.

You know About Ripley's believe it or not, Right?NO!?!?!?!? Here:http://www.ripleysnewyork.com/
How about National geographic?NO!?!?!?!? Here:http://national-geographic-kids.com-sub.biz/?gclid=CJGztZq9hLQCFQSf4Aod60sAVg
I know both!<----- Ha!
Ripley to...
...National geographic!
And duhduhdone I like it! So should you!

#Q.P.!# Quick update on my knowedge.

There are thousands of animals, some endangered, some not.
There are reptiles, mammals, and other classes of species exist.
From this...
...to this!
There are also books on them!!!
Like, for reptiles,http://www.amazon.com/Eyewitness-Reptile-Artist-Not-Provided/dp/B002EP8FAG/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1354742640&sr=8-15&keywords=reptile+books
And endangeredhttp://www.amazon.com/Eyewitness-Endangered-Animals-DK-Books/dp/0756668832/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1354742957&sr=8-6&keywords=endangered+books: