
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, December 12, 2014

History. World War II: Hitler

Hitler is... well... very well known. That is, for leading Germany straight into World War two.But about other things? No one cares to ask about that, for "he's a evil man and that's that." But we, as humans, are drawn to curiosity, as I was to Adolf Hitler's background. He was born in 1889 and died in 1945. He was a Chancellor in 1933, and he launched a massive program of state spending that wiped out unemployment. He was unwavering in his anti-Semitism and hatred of communism. His moves to military progress were more tentative. He joined and became leader of the Nazis, and he slowly began to thing that world war I could be avenged. The Nazis began rising in votes, and soon Hitler was in control of Germany. He named himself Der Fuhrer. And then he started the war.

That's a little you didn't know! Adios!

Science: Electric Eel

Electric eels aren't that close to eels as much as they are to cat fish and carp. Some people call them "Tasers of the Amazon" as they can produce 5 times as much power as the average American wall socket, WHICH IS 600 VOLTS! They don't bite their prey, but instead radiate it, using the water as a conductor, which stuns prey and discourages predators. They also use only ten volts sometimes, as a radar, because they can only see up to five feet, which means they can't see their own tails, as the average electric eel is 8 feet and 7 inches long.

The reason for all of this? Because they are the perfect example for living electricity (note: not lightning) in the wild, and I'm learning about that in my science! Adios!