
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Bâton de Commandement, Mystery Tool.

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about a weird tool that no one really knows what it was for. Named the Bâton de Commandement, it's something that doesn't look like it has a obvious purpose. Theories for it range from a sign of power, to a quoit, to shaft straighteners and clothing tools. Despite the many theories, no one can really pinpoint one. Which is what makes it such a weird tool. But obviously, mankind had a need for it, as it's all over villages and tribes. What could this purpose be?

What could they be?
Adventure Van, confused?

Accidental Domestication?

Adventure Van here, with a blog about wild grass. You see, back when mankind was in the earliest stages of agriculture, we wanted food that gave us more energy then we expended to get it. So, when we got to farming wild grasses, we found mainly two types of grass. A type that when sheared, exploded so the seeds shot everywhere, and one that stayed hardened. Of course, we sheared and brought back to our primitive villages the type we could eat, wasn't hard to get, and stayed together so we could get the nutritional value out of it.

However, be it by accident or purpose, we planted more of the seeds from these around the villages. And we began having this wild grass grow closer to us, and we could be more picky about it, taking the better strands, which gave us more of the good types of seeds that got planted while others just died out. After millennia of domestication, we had finally got to what we have now, Wheat. But there's a likely chance this staple of diets around the world was an accident.

Adventure Van, farming out.