
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Effects of Liquid Nitrogen!

Heya, Adventure Van here with a blog about the amazing-ness known as Liquid Nitrogen! You may know it as that freezing thing you sometimes see at hospitals, but it's got destructive and tasty properties that might make you want to keep some at home. But here's a list of what it can be used for (and what it shouldn't be), so you can read this and I can have an excuse to make lists.

Amazing Things:
  • Get some milk, sugar, and liquid nitrogen in a (metal) bowl and you've made ice cream! In less then a minute!
  • Pour some of this over a (metal) bowl full of mini-marshmallows and wait a moment, and then throw a handful in your mouth. It's like heaven was made edible.
  • It's amazing with taking out warts/growths over a long period of time, but don't use it without medical training this way.
  • Pour some of this on snow. Wait one moment. Throw snowball at someone. Repeat.

Dangerous Things:
  • Having mostly anything organic drop into a vat will freeze it and make it very easy to shatter, so don't drop anything in there you want to keep.
  • Having some spill on you hurts. You may know that it's used to kill warts on your body, but don't think it knows the difference between what's supposed to be there and what's not.
  • It's not drinkable, so keep it away from people you don't want to have their insides frozen.
  • It's cold enough to make oxygen liquid. The Arctic has oxygen as air. The Arctic can freeze someone to death in a minute. Use that as a precursor to stop yourself from doing anything stupid things with it.
And that's a huge thing about Liquid Nitrogen. Buy some if you wish.

Adventure Van, coolest pun maker ever. (get it? pweez?)