
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, November 9, 2018


Hey guys, Adventure Van here with a blog about Sive. This was a play done by the Irish Classical Theater Company, a local organization that puts on classical Irish plays. I went to it in order to see the play Sive, a play that was actively banned in Ireland 20 years ago due to the realistic portrayal of how Ireland treated women in the past (it is however unbanned now). The play was like a better version of Romeo and Juliet, in the way that everyone was working for the best interests of someone, instead of it being a mess, yet it still had a very sad, emotional ending. It was a great play, although I'd recommend emotional preparedness if you want to watch it.

Adventure Van, thinking away.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Lockport Caves

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about the Lockport Cave System. I went on a tour supplied by the people at Lockport Cave and Underground Boat Ride, which was Halloween themed. The tour talked about the history of the locks, including why the city was made in the first place, and all the cool ways that people died in making things there! From getting having a fire break out at a fire hydrant factory, to a Romeo and Juliet situation gone horribly wrong, there are a ton of fun deaths involving the river and cave system there. I'd recommend checking out the site, as well as the tour itself if you're around it at the time.

Adventure Van, writing.