
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

James Benjamin Parker

Adventure Van here with a blog about James Benjamin Parker, the man who vastly improved the chances of President McKinley's assassination failing by disarming and fighting the assassin, Leon Czolgosz.  Plenty of people, although I can't say all, have knowledge of the fact that William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States of America, was assassinated by a mentally unwell anarchist. Many less know about the black man, James Benjamin Parker, who could have potentially saved McKinley by drastically reducing the amount of shots gotten by the assassin. After the first shot, the man rushed over as other guards fumbled. Almost the second after they got off a second chance, James hit the assassin in the hand, making them drop the gun, and then hit them another three times, incapacitating them until the guards managed to get to the two.

Of course, it being 1901, he was also treated with heavy suspicion until several bystanders confirmed that he saved McKinley, and was not part of the assassination attempt in the slightest. That, of course, is something confined solely to the past.

Adventure Van, signing out.