
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

#Q.P.!# Quick update on my knowedge.

Did you know that ICELAND started the woman's right program?
It did, actually! They have woman police, teachers firemen, and jobs that a woman never had before! They even have access to health care! Iceland, even after the crash in 2008, they have bounced back, still with woman in the jobs! The World Economic Program has put Iceland high up on gender equality, and the tiny country is still good!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Book Report: Infinty ring

I have read three books called Infinity ring.
It is about three kids named Dak,Sera, and Riq who time travel thru out the world to stop the SQ.
The  first  book is about Christopher Columbus,the second is about Vikings, and the Third is about the Underground railroad.

The first book, is about the kids finding the secret to time travel. Daks parents are accidentally left in the time stream, so Dak automatically wants to save them.But, the Historians, Need the Infinity ring, and they decide to team up with Dak and Sera. Riq joins them, and they begin to time travel just before the SQ can stop them. The first thing the guys do is figure out what is going on, get chased by a giant, try to figure it out, get chased again, and find a Historian, and figure out what they are doing. They get on board a ship with Christopher Columbus on it, thanks to One Eyes. They begin talking with there fellow people, but one of them, a spy for the SQ, rats on them, and they get locked up. One Eyes helps them out and they save Christopher Columbus, but Dak almost drowns. They soon get to go in to time again.

When the second book happens, the kids are right in the middle of the war in between the french and the vikings. Riq becomes a translator, and even makes it worse!!!!And Dak get captured by vikings, and almost became stew for a very large dog named Vigi.The whole thing gets worse when Sara befriends a boy,and begins trying to help him, especially when they find out he is a Historian. The SQ begin shooting barbed arrows, and Riq is hit! Then things shape up. With the help of Vigi and her over sized owner, Lugo, Dak escapes. Riq heals in record time, and the three of them warp seeing the boy die.They land in Egypt, and then realize Vigi hitched a ride!They return him 50 years later, and the boy is there! Lugo became adviser of the french, and the SQ was beaten again!

When the third book happens, Riq is a piece of trouble because of two thing:One.He is black And Two.Its the time of the underground railroad. Riq soon is captured for looking like a slave, and Dak and Sera try to save him, but he refused. He was risking his life for a close relative, because that is what will happen while you are time traveling,and he escapes overboard the slave ship with him.Dak and Sera get caught because of helping a slave. The kids escape before they get killed, and seek out Riq. They get kidnapped, and find the other Historians there!They get the Key, and escape with all the historians.They save all of the people from being slaves!

Those are the books i have read.
I will update as soon as possible! :D

Book Report: Dear Bully:

Have you ever been bullied?
Chances are you have.
This book is about 70 authors who have been bullied.
And also bullies and bystanders.
All sort of stories our there.
They have one about the tallest kid in class against the shortest.(And the bully isn't the one you think.)
They have a person who almost killed herself.
And there is a couple of COMICS!!
I found some tools in this book about stopping bullying.
Like, some bullies need to be stood up to, some need to be reported, and some need to be ignored. There are physical and verbal taunts, but all bullies want one thing. Your reaction.
So give them less of that, and most will go away.
There are some websites, like the the trevor project.
So stop bullying when ever you can!