
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Epic Codex.

Ever wondered what makes something epic? Well, you should be me, first hand, and you should also believe in power of epicness. Some people think that epicness isn't real and that you should give up on all ideas about being epic. Don't listen to them. You're epic without even trying, you have to try not to be epic in order to not be epic. So, they're doing more work then you just convincing themselves that epicness isn't real, and you'll notice those people are being melo-dramatic, depressed, and pessimistic. So, in order to be the best person who was ever epic, you need to be the greatest as well. Attack hatred, the enemy of the uninformed, and the people who believe that you're a failure. You're not. You're one of the most epic peoples who was ever put on this earth, and nothing should stop you. Reach for your dreams if you can, but don't stop there. Help others reach their dreams as well. Don't trample on others dreams in order to reach yours, or you never will quite reach yours. In order to be epic, you don't HAVE to reach your dream. In order to be epic, you need to help others do so. That's a nice way, but there's others. Don't let your epicness disappear by losing the abilty to think about others, or you'll never be epic again. Your ability to be epic isn't judged by yourself, but by those who meet you. This isn't just humans, but animals, anything that you interact with. It doesn't matter if only one person, yourself, thinks your epic. You'll want to be epic in the eyes of millions. Never try to downgrade someone else to make your own epicness look better. The only epicness you'll be destroying is your own. It's up to you, and no problem is too big for someone as epic as you to solve. No flaw can stop you from being epic. You are the only limit, and everyone will appreciate your limit becoming higher and higher. You may make a mistake, who doesn't? Don't think all your epicness has disappeared. Build up from where you fell, and become more epic.  In the rare case that you lost all epicness, don't give up. Continue trying to be epic with all your life, and you WILL hit a higher point then where you lost it all. Epicness isn't a currency. Don't think that because your epic, you should be treated differently. Doing so goes against the idea of epicness. Don't shun those who try the wrong way to become epic, but help them. You want everyone to become epic, not to make epicness hated by those who aren't high enough. Treat everyone as epicly as you wish to become, and the epicness will flow to you. It doesn't matter what race, gender, religion, politics, or views they have, they deserve to become epic. However, if someone has an uninformed view, help them by sending information to them. If they do not wish to change their view, do not force them. Don't look down upon them, or you'll be looked down as well. That's not epic.

This epic blog/rambles of a kid, brought to you by Adventure Van.