
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Spongebob Squarepants: The Musical?

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about The Spongebob Squarepants Musical. You might wonder, "An animated kids show, made by Stephen Hillenburg, become a musical? I've heard weirder." But what you don't know yet, unless you've seen something relating to it, is that it's on Broadway. Not many random animated kid shows get onto Broadway, no matter how famous they are. But this piece has the claim of fame with being original, having great and enthusiastic actors, beautiful songs, and contraptions and costumes that are creative and fun to look at.

If you've got money and time to waste, check it out here: http://spongebobbroadway.com/

Adventure Van, sponging away!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Ibn al-Haytham

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Ibn al-Haytham, an Arabic mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who discovered something you may not expect, and in a way you probably wouldn't expect. See, Ibn was a famous type of mathematician and physicist, and he was bragging about how he could even stop the flow of the Nile. As this was in 1040s, this was an impossible task for most people, and word of his brags got to Egypt. More specifically, al-Hakim, the Fatimid caliph who was along the Nile. He hired Ibn to live up to his brags, but upon Ibn reaching the Nile, he realized that it really was an impossible task, even with his theories. But al-Hakim was known for executing people at will, so Ibn had to come up with a master plan to either do it or get out of it. So he feigned insanity to get out of being executed. It worked, but al-Hakim had him placed under house arrest for the rest of al-Hakims life, which was only 10 years. In that time, Ibn had little to no option for what to do, and his attention was inexplicably drawn to the window over that time. He wondered abut something because of this. Being a questioner, he began to wonder how exactly our eyes saw the light. He spent over 7 years working with his skills to figure it out, and he eventfully found that the way we saw things was actually upside down from what our brains processed. Because of his bragging about damming the Nile, he found something even more precious, despite it not seeming so.

Adventure Van, seeing out.