
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Top 5 (Free) Video Games!

(Disclaimer! Whether or not these are your top 5 are up to you. Read with caution! OOOooooooooo...)

Has this ever happened to you? You've finished all your work, finished climbing Mount Everest, won the Olympics and fended off the zombie hordes, and you sit in front of your computer for a well earned break. But then, it hits you. You have nothing to play! You look around for any money to buy one of the great games out there, but it's all dispersed because of the rebellion against you. So, you have to look for one of the many, many, many games out there that's free. Of course, there's bad ones, good ones, mediocre ones, FPS, RPG, Explorer, too many. Before you can even decide on one, you're out of time to take a break. You cry out in anger, and from the heavens, I appear, holding a golden scripture of "Top 5 (Free) Video Games!"

Of course, that last part didn't happen, but if you need to find a game or two to last you for a break, this is the article to do it! So, I'll start with Number 5 and work my way down to the best game of them all! (Once again, in my opinion. Whether or not you'll like these games are your decision.) I'll also will be discounting any games that require downloading.

Coming up 5th is an all time favorite of mine, I'd like to be the captain. This great RPG/Platformer game is one of the games I've played off and on for a while now, and whenever I do, the music, graphics, and game-play really work well together to give a nice feel to it. There's tons of levels, and it's got a high skill ceiling with having the optional challenge to find all of the gold coins in each level instead of just completing it.

Number 4 is Echoes, a realtime strategy game. This game is actually very good, combining normal third person platforming and beat them up with building and troop construction and management. It's very well done, and if it was any bigger, would probably have to be paid for! Of course, there's the survival levels for those who want a real challenge.

This one is Swords and Sandals, a game which is an amazing strategy game.This game is very strategy based, having a minimal amount of luck. Using an ancient gladiatorial style, you get to buy new equipment and fight your way up from a lowly peon to a top champion! This great games art style, and game play is all fun to see and work with.

The 2 spot goes to an .io game, called Wilds.io. This game is a fun quick game that lets you start up and play like snap. Quick paced and fast, you'll be playing against other people in a fast paced warrior battle. Deal damage with your own weapons, or throw knives and bombs around to obliterate the enemy.

And the number one spot goes to Town of Salem. This Mafia inspired game is extremely fun, easy to learn and hard to master. With plenty of different roles, ways to play, and full of mystery and skill. As long as you have a spare 30 minutes, this is the game to play. I mean, it's quite a fun game if you like skill based playing, and don't rage real often.

So that's my list! If you've got a game of your own, or dislike so vehemently one of the games above, comment! 

That's Adventure Van, gaming out.