
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Monday, February 24, 2014


I will give a starting one:

Two scientists walked into a bar.
One said "I want some h2o."
The other one said "I want some water too. Hey, why did you say h2o? I mean, it is the combination for water and all but it does complicate things a little."
The first one sneered as his assassin plan failed.
h2o =  Water
h2o2 = Hydrogen peroxide
I made this from:
Two scientists walked into a bar.
One said "I want some h2o."
The other one said "I want some h2o, too.
The second one died.

I had some ideas

on how to make a old fashioned cart better! Here(Warning!: Advertising ahead!):

  1. Rope holder: Ever had one of those times when you let go of your ropes to hug a friend, or shake hands with a guest, and the ropes shot out in to the street? Never Fear! Our new rope holders will hold the ropes, so you can do what you wish when you need to go in a straight line!
  2. Noise Maker: Ever worry about someones poor Jimmy getting stuck under your bone crushing wheels? Well, now you can have him off the street seconds before you get there! Our new noise makers scratch stone of the street, making so much of a noise no one will want to go in front of you.
  3. Brake: Arhgg!!! What is this kid, deaf?  You have the noise maker, but he is still there! Time to resort to drastic measures! Get our new breaks so that you can stop the wheels just in time before little Jimmy sees what death looks like!
Hope you liked and enjoyed this past(oh, and the post)!