
It's a me, Adventure Van! I'd just like to thank you all for coming and reading my less then good blog. It means a lot to me, so I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Grass Frog Dissection

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about a Grass Frog Dissection that I've done! I've already done one, as seen here. But this time, I took a large amount of pictures to go along to guide you along! If you don't like seeing used to be living things cut up, I'd recommend skipping this blog.

Frog pre-dissection.
Beginning of the cutting!
Small window, to show the liver.
These two are of a very much larger window.
 Everything can be seen covered by the liver.
The liver, now removed!
The intestine.
You can see the heart, lungs, and kidney.
And here's a load of frog fat. Who says it isn't easy to get rid of?
Gallbladder. Surprising lack of stones.
Kidney! Not looking the slightest like ours!
Slightly off center heart! I can steal them without breaking them, you know.
Lungs. Don't they look cute?
Why so serious, Toadman? Non-pink blob is the tongue. 
And if you've ever considered frog legs, this is the meat under the skin. It has the same texture as chicken meat.
Here's the frog and parts...

But I doubt it's going to be put back together.

Adventure Van, signature toady, signing out!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Fortune Cookies!

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Fortune Cookies. Well, the slips of paper inside the fortune cookies. The fortunes of the fortune cookies. The ones that make broad predictions or give general advice. And it's hard to write them. You can't just write anything. The guidelines for tbe company Wonton, those things are strict. You can't try to be even broadly predictive. Writing something along the lines of "You may win the lottery" will get angry comments, and anything about homeless people will not be accepted. Nothing political, or religious, or anything like that. The ability to make fortune cookies as a way to get thoughts out is far fetched, and because of that the majority of available fortunes are repetitive. But at least the cookies are mediocre and don't always cut the roof of your mouth!

Adventure Van, eating out.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

How to Date

Adventure Van here with a blog about how to date. As we can tell from events like Santa Fe, apparently this a real big life or death situation. So, before you go out killing people because someone continuously refuses to date you while you're stalking her, I'll be here to get you out of whatever demented rut you're stuck in and actually figure out how to get into a healthy relationship and state of mind so others also stay healthy and don't literally end up slaughtered as a result of a broken heart feud. I honestly can't even believe that it's even a problem, but seeing how we're avoiding the obvious answer, might as well fix all the minor ones!

Step 1: No means No. This may be a hard concept for people to grasp, but No does not mean 'I might change my mind from Stockholm Syndrome 2 years down the line if you continuously pester me and stalk me no matter where I go', it means, wait for it, 'no'. Sometimes, this may be a shocker, people just don't want to get into a relationship with you. That's going to happen, and they'll change it if they want to, not you. But because of how we condition people to think that if you just try a bit harder it'll get them to change their minds, or that they're just playing hard to get, it means that people get the feeling that the only way they'll get a date is because of forcing others to.

Step 2: Shut up about the friendzone. Wow. You put forth all of this effort to be a nice person and get someone to think that you're their friend, and they think that you're their friend, when in all reality all you want is to get into their pants. Boy, what an ass. You're being, that is. Acts of kindness and being nice does not warrant you a hands on tour of the person's bed. Please, don't complain about friendzoning. It's not really a friendzone, even. It's more of a trusted circle of friends for this person that they can depend on to be there in times of need. Which if you're complaining about friendzone, you don't deserve to be there.

Step 3: Don't be an jerk? For some bizarre reason, this is EXTRAORDINARILY hard. I mean, think of all the effort it takes to not, say, get 6 significant others(which in this situation is stretching that term), want a clean slate, so go and snapchat a drunken spree of making out with strangers, then start anew! Or maybe not bother a girl after, you know, the third time of them saying No, you don't go on a murderous rampage resulting in 10s of deaths out of heartbreak. Maybe, being an actual person worth being around, finding someone thru events that you like and talking with them, and creating a natural relationship with someone based on their likes instead of their looks would work. It's a wild and crazy thought, I know.

That might do it. But remember, you can't trust anything these days. Don't trust this guide. Don't trust your coffee maker. And don't trust doors, because remember, it's the fact that we have too many doors fault that mass shootings happen so often in America. Don't worry, I'll do a blog about how to solve that shortly.

Adventure Van, Doctor of Love and Heartbreak.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Thanks Obama : The hopey, changey years at the white house

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Thanks Obama, a book written by one of Obama's speechwriters, David Litt. It's a look inside the Obama administration from a low level employee going up to a fairly high level one. The Honorable David Litt did speeches of jokes for things like the White House Correspondents dinner to serious things like accidentally pissing off an entire country. Kenya. It was an enjoyable read about what it's really like to work at the white house, not like the shows make it seem like. Though some parts are true. Like the part about working at the white house makes people realize you work at the white house. Of course, it's slightly political, like anything completely based off of politics. I would recommend checking it out if you get a shot, or you can look here.

Adventure Van, hoping out.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Citizens Corps

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about the Citizen Corps. The Citizens Corps is a collection of citizens who work on training others and gaining others to work on giving people preparedness on disasters, both natural and man-made. From active shooters to fire types, they had solutions for how to identify and fight a disaster, or escape from one alive. At the end, all were given a combination of survival gear that is capable of supporting someone for 3 days, with a dustmask, radio, and NASA style vacuum food. The link for the corps is right here.

Adventure Van, surviving.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Coral Reefs

Hey guys, it's Adventure Van here with a blog about Coral Reefs. They're in danger from a lot of things, like climate change, over fishing, acidic waters, and plastic. They're really fragile ecosystems, that are very beautiful. I mean, the fish get damaged which damages the ecosystem of the coral reef, and things like plastic can hurt the coral itself, by blocking light, and cutting them. It's a real shame that such natural beauty is being hurt by our refusal to deal with our easily preventable problems.

Adventure Van, sadly staring at the ocean.